Sunday, April 24, 2011

EASTER and lot's of PINK

Not the best picture, but it'll do!
We started the Easter weekend with an early out from school, would have loved an entire "Good Friday" off but also enjoyed the day off during the snow.  Then Jason and I ran our last long run before the half marathon next weekend.   Somehow we ended up on the back porch of some friends house and enjoyed the evening.  Saturday we did a few things around the house and were pretty lazy but it was nice being HOME.

The Easter Bunny did come visit, Maddox got some sweet potato puff's and yogurt bites, not sure about either one.

Easter Basket
Loved it!!

We went to church and after that we went to the Circle and enjoyed Easter with some wonderful friends.   We had a very special guest show up......

Of course, lot's of good food and fellowship and Maddox's first easter egg hunt.
The Huntin' Group 

I know she can't hunt but she loved sitting in the grass watching all of the big kids hunting eggs.  She did get a few...

My Eggs!

Who needs candy, eat the plastic egg

Loved the pink 'grass' 
Loved it!
Maddox and Daddy enjoying the BEAUTIFUL DAY!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I am glad...

 I am glad... husband is done with sports for the school year
...he will be able to get that list of honey-do's done
...that he will be able to train for this half marathon a little bit more
... he will be home at a decent hour
... he will be more rested
... he will be less stressed
... that he and Maddox will get to spend more time together
... he will get to see her grow, more
... to have my husband back
...I am blessed enough to write this post
Most of all I am glad that my term as a "coaches widow" is in the past for least til August.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Catching Up...

Maddox-Pink Tutu

I had always heard, "they grow up so fast," well who ever coined that phrase, knew what they were talking about!  Just to let you all know, I am not a fan of how fast this is all going!!  ......a  lot has happened.   First of all Spring Break....Let me start by saying that this is the first spring break in six years that Jason and I have not been 'ablowin and goin" and it was so WONDERFUL!!  We started our spring break with a visit from Pop's and Mammie (Mimi), of course Maddox loved not ever being put down.   On Monday, we started with running and off to the park and swinging and starting to mark off our "Spring Break To-Do List."  Needless to say, we didn't get much done.  Just lot's of cuddling with Maddox.  On Wednesday we did go to Maddox's 4 month appointment, she weighed 15lbs 12 ou and was 26 1/2 inches long.  It has been a month and she has gotten so much bigger!!!  As her doctor said, she's a "big eater."  She also started sleeping in her own bed, before you panic, she was not in ours, she was in the pack-n-play in our room.  A little bit of an adjustment for momma, but Maddox did great.  At one point we woke up in the middle of the night and she was talking and Jason and I just laughed at her, precious memories! 


Now a month later, we are eating baby food 3 times a day, loving everything we put in front of her, sleeping through the night, I am counting my blessings of 8 hour sleep.  She is sitting up, smiling and laughing all the time. I know I am probably a little biased, but she is just the happiest kid, we are so blessed. 

Still waiting on some HAIR!!!

We also, got to meet Big T (Thomas), see post below.  He is so sweet, he is a true angel from above!! 

 Life is moving fast, loving every minute and trying to take the time to stop and smell the roses!